Date on the PC | 24/02/18 |
Time on the PC | 14:03 |
Station Name | Maabarot |
Station City | Maabarot |
Station State | Israel |
Station Elevation | 20 m |
Station Latitude | 32° 21' 58" N |
Station Longitude | 34° 54' 14" E |
Date on the Station | 24/02/18 |
Time on the Station | 14:03 |
Sunrise time | 6:14 |
Sunset time | 17:34 |
Inside temperature | 18.3 °C |
High inside Temperature | 19.0 °C at 2:31 |
Low inside Temperature | 18.2 °C at 10:30 |
High monthly inside Temp | 19.1 °C |
Low monthly inside Temp | 18.0 °C |
High yearly inside Temp | 19.1 °C |
Low yearly inside Temp | 17.9 °C |
Outside Temperature | 19.3 °C |
High outside Temperature | 19.9 °C at 13:52 |
Low outside Temperature | 11.8 °C at 6:03 |
High monthly outside Temp | 25.9 °C |
Low monthly outside Temp | 6.6 °C |
High yearly outside Temp | 25.9 °C |
Low yearly outside Temp | 6.6 °C |
Inside humidity | 67 % |
High inside humidity | 74 % at 2:30 |
Low inside humidity | 62 % at 13:29 |
High monthly inside humidity | 75 % |
Low monthly inside humidity | 51 % |
High yearly inside humidity | 75 % |
Low yearly inside humidity | 47 % |
Outside humidity | 66 % |
High humidity | 97 % at 7:43 |
Low humidity | 63 % at 13:04 |
High monthly humidity | 97 % |
Low monthly humidity | 25 % |
High yearly humidity | 97 % |
Low yearly humidity | 18 % |
Barometer | 1006.1 mb |
Barometer Trend | Falling Slowly |
High barometer | 1007.5 mb at 9:59 |
Low barometer | 1004.0 mb at 2:29 |
Low monthly barometer | 1001.3 mb |
High monthly barometer | 1021.3 mb |
Low yearly barometer | 998.6 mb |
High yearly barometer | 1026.3 mb |
Wind speed | 3.2 km/h |
10 minute average wind speed | 9.7 km/h |
High wind speed | 20.9 km/h at 11:10 |
High monthly wind speed | 41.8 km/h |
High yearly wind speed | 80.5 km/h |
Wind direction in degrees | 61 |
Wind direction sector | ENE |
Wind chill | 19.3 °C |
Low wind chill | 11.7 °C at 5:41 |
Low monthly wind chill | 6.1 °C |
Low yearly wind chill | 6.1 °C |
Total rain | 515.9 mm |
Daily rain | 0.3 mm |
Monthly rain | 78.5 mm |
Storm rain | 0.0 mm |
Rain rate | 0.0 mm/hr |
High rain rate | 0.3 mm/hr at 8:00 |
High rain rate hour | 0.0 mm/hr |
High monthly rain rate | 105.9 mm/hr |
High yearly rain rate | 215.1 mm/hr |
Daily et | 0.00 mm |
Monthly et | 0.00 mm |
Yearly et | 0.00 mm |
Solar radiation | --- W/m² |
High solar rad | 0 W/m² at ---- |
High monthly solar rad | 0 W/m² |
High yearly solar rad | 0 W/m² |
Uv | --- index |
High uv | 0.0 index at ---- |
High monthly uv | 0.0 index |
High yearly uv | 0.0 index |
Outside dew point | 12.8 °C |
High dew point | 17.8 °C at 9:09 |
Low dew point | 11.1 °C at 5:21 |
High monthly dew point | 17.8 °C |
Low monthly dew point | 2.2 °C |
High yearly dew point | 18.3 °C |
Low yearly dew point | -2.2 °C |
Inside dew point | 12.1 °C |
Outside heat index | 19.3 °C |
High heat index | 20.0 °C at 13:50 |
High monthly heat index | 25.6 °C |
High yearly heat index | 25.6 °C |
High thsw index | --- °C at ---- |
High monthly thsw index | --- °C |
High yearly thsw index | --- °C |
Inside heat index | 18.1 °C |
Temperature 2 | --- °C |
Hi Temp 2 | ---°C at ---- |
Low Temp 2 | ---°C at ---- |
Humidity 2 | --- % |
Hi Hum 2 | --- % at 7:43 |
Low Hum 2 | --- % at 13:04 |
Soil Moisture 1 | --- cb |
Hi Soil M 1 | --- cb at ---- |
Low Soil M 1 | --- cb at 0:00 |
Soil Temperature | --- °C |
Hi Soil Temp 1 | --- °C at ---- |
Low Soil Temp 1 | --- °C at ---- |
Leaf Wetness 1 | --- |
Hi Leaf Wetness 1 | --- at ---- |
Low Leaf Wetness 1 | --- at 0:00 |
Leaf Temperature 1 | --- °C |
Hi Leaf Temp 1 | --- °C at ---- |
Low Leaf Temp 1 | --- °C at ---- |